This weekend is going to be a tough one to navigate with so much chocolate everywhere! I would love to say that I have enough will power to not have any at all, but I do not think that is likely to happen! Therefore, I am going to take control of the situation, have a little on Sunday and treat myself to a little chocolate every Saturday until it is gone, pacing it out instead of having one big splurge. I find I enjoy it much more this way too!

Aside from the chocolate factor, I will also be having a large family meal on Sunday and, in my house, that is serious business! Portion control is the biggest problem as in an Italian household a small portion is not really an option! However, again, I am not going to worry too much about it. I will drop dinner, enjoy my large late lunch, keep food tight on Monday and Tuesday and, if possible, squeeze in an extra run. I always find doing an extra run in a week really does help when I am going to have a real splurge.

Planning for these kind of days is really the key. No one wants to go to a family event or really any big social event and be the one with a small plate counting calories. Where is the fun in that! Therefore, take control of the situation, squeeze in an extra training session and simply cut back a little for a day or two after. It is so simple and removes any stress or worry about it spoiling your regime!

The rest of the week is fairly standard. I have thrown in a few fave recipes though including hand-made pork sausages and italian chicken and rice. I am looking forward to them already!

Food plan 15-4-17

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Fit Bird

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Diary of a Fit Bird is written by the founder of The 4321 Method®. To find out more about our products go to:

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