My life as a fit bird

Tag beyournumber1

My Food Plan 2-9-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 2-9-17   I have got to say I am so delighted to be doing a proper food plan this week and to get back into a routine! After falling ill last week when I got back… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 19-8-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 19-8-17 It is coming to the end of my holidays and unfortunately that means getting back to reality and, for me, that includes food planning! Now full disclosure, I did not write this food plan whilst… Continue Reading →

4321 Exercise of the Week: Froggers

Froggers As many of you will know, we post the previous exercise of the week from The 4321 Method® every Monday. Last week, we featured froggers and I think it is one you are going to like. It is not… Continue Reading →

The Holiday Workout!

I am unbelievably excited to tell you that this week I am off on my holidays! Sun, sea, sand and sangria here I come! I always look forward to holidays so much, no matter where I am going or what… Continue Reading →

Recipe: Super Green Risotto

Recipe: Super Green Risotto   As you know I love all Italian food and am particularly fond of the classics, pasta, pizza and risotto, all of which get a very bad rep for being unhealthy these days. It is not… Continue Reading →

Exercise of the Week: Single Leg Burpees

Last week at  The 4321 Method® we challenged our members to take on the single leg burpee! Burpees are a staple in any workout programme and contrary to popular belief it is not just to torture people! They are an incredible… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 5-8-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 5-8-17 Just before we get into the food plan this week, I should say that that there will be no food plan posted next week as I will be on my holidays! Yay!!!! This is also… Continue Reading →

4321 Exercise of the Week: Single Leg Deadlift

Each week at The 4321 Method® we challenge our members to push their limits and try an exercise that they may never have done before. It is just a fun way to try new things and, hopefully, let everyone see what… Continue Reading →

Trying Not To Get Overwhelmed!

The last couple of months at Diary of a Fit Bird HQ have been incredibly busy, which is awesome, but subsequently managing time and trying to fit everything in both personally and professional has been a challenge and I know… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 29-7-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 29-7-17   A busy weekend ahead, which I am really looking forward to! A lot of people I train get nervous or worried about socialising because they think it will knock them off track, which I… Continue Reading →

4321 Exercise of the Week: Sumo Squats

Sumo Squats Sumo squats are not the most difficult exercise we have featured as our 4321 exercise of the week, but over at 4321 HQ we decided to focus on this type of squat today simply because it works the… Continue Reading →

Not sure where to start?

ARTICLE: Not sure where to start? I think we have all been there, ready and willing to get started but not quite sure what the best course of action is! Everyone we know is doing something different and everywhere we… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 22-7-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 22-7-17   So what is on the menu this week? I am glad you asked! Plenty of great healthy, hearty and, most importantly, tasty food! Changing your diet is tough so you have to make sure… Continue Reading →

Exercise of the Week: Flutter Kicks

Flutter Kicks Flutter kicks are a challenging exercise which is why they feature as the 4321 exercise of the week, but actually the great thing about them is that you can scale them right back to almost beginner level as… Continue Reading →

Staying focused on the end goal

ARTICLE: Staying focused on the end goal Last week I posted an update on the 12 week 4321 challenge and on a personal level reflected on a very busy and pretty stressful week. Both of these events made me realise… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 15-7-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 15-7-17 It is Friday and on schedule here is my weekly food plan. No real events this week so it is an easy week to plan. Saturday night has been left open at the moment as… Continue Reading →

4321 Exercise of the Week: Advanced Sit Ups

Advanced Sit Ups Sit ups are always a popular ab exercise, but after a while they can become pretty straight forward and often we can end up doing large sets of them to keep the difficulty level up. Well there… Continue Reading →

4321 Challenge- Leader Board Week 8!

ARTICLE: 4321 Challenge-Leader Board 8 weeks of the 12 week 4321 Challenge have now been completed so it is the perfect time to check how the competition is lining up and give everyone a push for the final 4 weeks!… Continue Reading →

Nobody said it was easy

ARTICLE: Nobody said it was easy It has been a pretty tough week at Diary of a Fit Bird HQ! Work has been incredibly busy (which is not a complaint) and I have decided to update the whole of my… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 8-7-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 8-7-17 This week is slightly out of the ordinary as I am going to a wedding on Thursday, but that has not changed the process for the food plan, I just worked around it. In some… Continue Reading →

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