My life as a fit bird

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Week 27 Keep Pushing

As you will have seen there has been a lot happening over at 4321 HQ and there really is a big push to hit all of my targets before January. Well I say January, but actually I would like to… Continue Reading →

Week 23 – Eat the Frog

Mark Twain was the first to use this phrase and the meaning behind it is to complete the most difficult task of the day first knowing that the rest of the day can only get better. I think it is… Continue Reading →

Week 22 – Planning for the Future

It can be really easy to let day to day tasks take over long term planning as those tasks are obviously more pressing, but it is important to keep an eye on the future and the direction that you are… Continue Reading →

Week 18 – Finding the Positives

As I discussed last week it had been a tough period of self doubt and of things not going to plan. It can be so easy at times like this to let these feelings and disappointments affect the work you… Continue Reading →

Week 10 – Stopped in my tracks

Just when you think everything is going smoothly and you are on top of it all there is always a curve ball! Last week with a busy week scheduled, riding right on the crest of wave in terms of both… Continue Reading →

Week 6 – Let’s Roll

It has taken quite a few weeks but I finally feel some what in control of my life and the direction that it is taking. This is week 6 of the blog, but I was already a few weeks into… Continue Reading →

Week 3 – Bumps in the Road

It was a tough week by all accounts last week. The tiredness continued and a few work things didn’t quite go the way we wanted which was disappointing. One of the biggest issues with tiredness is that it raises your… Continue Reading →

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