My life as a fit bird

Tag fitness and pregnancy

Week 24 – Listening to my Body

As many of you may have noticed I have not slowed down even a little during this pregnancy. If anything I have actually been working harder as it has made me more focused and more determined to succeed. Also, when… Continue Reading →

Learning To Say ‘No’

ARTICLE: LEARNING TO SAY ‘NO’ Yesterday, we discussed the importance of making yourself a priority and the reasons as to why it is so difficult and one the reasons is because we all struggle to say ‘no’ when demands are… Continue Reading →

Goal setting in a different way

So pre pregnancy my goals were to improve my pull ups and to perfect the single arm press up and I just about got there with both goals (the single arm press up still needs a little work). These types… Continue Reading →

A Brief Hiatus!

ARTICLE: A BRIEF HIATUS! Firstly, I should start this post by apologising for the lack of information, motivation and inspiration on the blog over the last couple of months. I started 2018 with the intention of making this the best year… Continue Reading →

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