My life as a fit bird

Tag fitness blogger

Week 32 – Nervous Energy

I am not sure if anyone else gets a sort of nervous energy before a holiday or before they finish up work for any period of time. I always seem to get it before I take time off and I… Continue Reading →

Week 31 – My January Routine

Largely my weekly blog focuses more on my work life as oppose to my training or nutrition. The reason being I have blogged so much about my fitness life in the past that I felt it was more interesting to… Continue Reading →

Week 29 – 31 Ready for 2020

The first blog of 2020 and I am happy to say I am feeling ready to go and take on the New Year. I was feeling very tired at the end of 2019, it had been a long tough year… Continue Reading →

Week 26 – Prioritising

The one thing I love about this blog is that it gives me some important time to reflect on my week and sometimes that is just as simple as asking myself what on earth has happened in the past week!… Continue Reading →

Week 22 – Planning for the Future

It can be really easy to let day to day tasks take over long term planning as those tasks are obviously more pressing, but it is important to keep an eye on the future and the direction that you are… Continue Reading →

Week 21 – 3 becoming 4

I suppose this feels like as good a time as any to let you know that Giulio and I are expecting another baby in spring 2020! We are incredibly excited and very nervous all at the same time! Having 2… Continue Reading →

Week 20 – Putting It All Together

Anyone that has tried to lose weight or get fit will know this feeling well, at any one time elements of the plan are going well but it is tough to get everything working well at once. There are weeks… Continue Reading →

Week 19 – Follow Your Passion

I have been lucky in life to always enjoy my work. Before I was a personal trainer I worked in my family business which was takeaways (I do appreciate the irony) and prior to that I was a waitress throughout… Continue Reading →

Week 18 – Finding the Positives

As I discussed last week it had been a tough period of self doubt and of things not going to plan. It can be so easy at times like this to let these feelings and disappointments affect the work you… Continue Reading →

Week 17 – Feeling the Fear

I would say that September has been a pretty tough month. After my holiday I felt a bit out of sync and disorganised and work tasks have not quite been going to plan. With these ups and downs I think… Continue Reading →

Week 12 -Pacing It

Many of the readers of this blog know me personally but for those of you that don’t you may or may not be aware that I regularly move at 100 miles an hour. I have lots of energy, lots of… Continue Reading →

Week 10 – Stopped in my tracks

Just when you think everything is going smoothly and you are on top of it all there is always a curve ball! Last week with a busy week scheduled, riding right on the crest of wave in terms of both… Continue Reading →

Week 9 – Never Lose Focus

Staying focused is normally something I would talk about when things are not going well as that is usually when focus goes. When someone is not getting the results they want or they are finding it too difficult to build… Continue Reading →

Week 7 – Momentum

The importance of momentum should never be underestimated. I talk to 4321 members a lot about this as success is often built on momentum and the accumulation of hard work. Working at anything sporadically will never get the same results… Continue Reading →

Week 6 – Let’s Roll

It has taken quite a few weeks but I finally feel some what in control of my life and the direction that it is taking. This is week 6 of the blog, but I was already a few weeks into… Continue Reading →

Week 5 – Progress & a Podcast

Progress is a funny thing, you normally see it right after you think everything has gone wrong. As strange as it appears I think it is largely due to the fact that after things have gone pear shaped you tend… Continue Reading →

Week 4 – Remembering the main objective

After having a tough week last week I have been experiencing something that I think many people experience when the motivation of the initial couple of weeks has started to wain and that is apathy. I was still doing what… Continue Reading →

Week 3 – Bumps in the Road

It was a tough week by all accounts last week. The tiredness continued and a few work things didn’t quite go the way we wanted which was disappointing. One of the biggest issues with tiredness is that it raises your… Continue Reading →

You have to be all in!

ARTICLE: YOU HAVE TO BE ALL IN If there is one thing that my experience in the health and fitness has taught me is that those that give it their all get the best results. So often we obsess about… Continue Reading →

Making Yourself A Priority

ARTICLE: MAKING YOURSELF A PRIORITY Making yourself a priority is one of the biggest challenges I think many of us face when trying to reach our health and fitness goals. We are constantly getting pulled in a thousand different directions… Continue Reading →

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