My life as a fit bird

Tag fitness journey

Week 33 & 34 – Dealing with tiredness

I suppose it had been coming, but the last two weeks I was hit with an incredible wave of tiredness. I would be fine in the morning but as the day went on I would feel more and more exhausted… Continue Reading →

Week 31 – My January Routine

Largely my weekly blog focuses more on my work life as oppose to my training or nutrition. The reason being I have blogged so much about my fitness life in the past that I felt it was more interesting to… Continue Reading →

Week 24 – Listening to my Body

As many of you may have noticed I have not slowed down even a little during this pregnancy. If anything I have actually been working harder as it has made me more focused and more determined to succeed. Also, when… Continue Reading →

Week 22 – Planning for the Future

It can be really easy to let day to day tasks take over long term planning as those tasks are obviously more pressing, but it is important to keep an eye on the future and the direction that you are… Continue Reading →

Week 18 – Finding the Positives

As I discussed last week it had been a tough period of self doubt and of things not going to plan. It can be so easy at times like this to let these feelings and disappointments affect the work you… Continue Reading →

Weeks 13-15 Holiday Hiatus

You may or may not have noticed that the last two weeks I have not posted a new blog post and the reason for that is that I was away on my holidays. I had actually intended on still doing… Continue Reading →

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