My life as a fit bird

Tag food plan

My food plan 18-3-17

  So, last weeks food plan did not go exactly to plan, but it made no difference to whether I had a healthy week or not. I had bought all the good food in so the options I had were… Continue Reading →

My food plan 3-3-17

It is that time of the week again, food plan time! I am really enjoying doing these food plans every single week. It is giving me a good focus during the week, definitely reducing unwanted grazing and making my weekly… Continue Reading →

My food plan 24-2-17

Back on the food plan this week, holiday is over! I was away for a long weekend in Milan and it was absolutely awesome! The food in particular was unbelievable and please believe that when I am away there is… Continue Reading →

My food plan week 10-2-17

This weeks food plan is really simple as I have a very busy week ahead. I am squeezing 5 days work into 4, so all meals are ones that I make fairly regularly. The only exception are the fish cakes,… Continue Reading →

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