My life as a fit bird

Tag glasgow fitness

Week 4 – Remembering the main objective

After having a tough week last week I have been experiencing something that I think many people experience when the motivation of the initial couple of weeks has started to wain and that is apathy. I was still doing what… Continue Reading →

Week 3 – Bumps in the Road

It was a tough week by all accounts last week. The tiredness continued and a few work things didn’t quite go the way we wanted which was disappointing. One of the biggest issues with tiredness is that it raises your… Continue Reading →

Week 1 – Scheduling time on and time off

One of the biggest challenges I have always faced is in balancing time at work with time off. The massive benefits of working for yourself and working from home are that you can schedule your work to times that suit… Continue Reading →

Learning To Say ‘No’

ARTICLE: LEARNING TO SAY ‘NO’ Yesterday, we discussed the importance of making yourself a priority and the reasons as to why it is so difficult and one the reasons is because we all struggle to say ‘no’ when demands are… Continue Reading →

Making Yourself A Priority

ARTICLE: MAKING YOURSELF A PRIORITY Making yourself a priority is one of the biggest challenges I think many of us face when trying to reach our health and fitness goals. We are constantly getting pulled in a thousand different directions… Continue Reading →

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