My life as a fit bird

Tag goal setting

Week 29 – 31 Ready for 2020

The first blog of 2020 and I am happy to say I am feeling ready to go and take on the New Year. I was feeling very tired at the end of 2019, it had been a long tough year… Continue Reading →

Week 6 – Let’s Roll

It has taken quite a few weeks but I finally feel some what in control of my life and the direction that it is taking. This is week 6 of the blog, but I was already a few weeks into… Continue Reading →

Goal setting in a different way

So pre pregnancy my goals were to improve my pull ups and to perfect the single arm press up and I just about got there with both goals (the single arm press up still needs a little work). These types… Continue Reading →

Staying focused on the end goal

ARTICLE: Staying focused on the end goal Last week I posted an update on the 12 week 4321 challenge and on a personal level reflected on a very busy and pretty stressful week. Both of these events made me realise… Continue Reading →

What Are You Working Towards?

ARTICLE: What are you working towards? We are just coming to the end of week 2 of the 12 week challenge and so I thought it was good time to talk about what you really want to achieve by the end… Continue Reading →

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