My life as a fit bird

Tag healthy diet

My Food Plan 20-1-18

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 20-1-18   This food plan malarky is starting to feel like routine again, which is great! January is a very busy month for me so getting organised is a massive help! You might notice I am… Continue Reading →

Minestrone Soup

I don’t think it gets any more classic than minestrone soup. For those of you that have been looking at my food plan week on week, you will notice that it is a fairly regular feature in my diet. That… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 27-5-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN Food planning last week went very well, too well in fact, and I found that food was bursting out my fridge! Therefore, this week’s food plan has been designed to use up the food that was left over!… Continue Reading →

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