My life as a fit bird

Tag healthy lifestyle blog

Recipe: Daphne’s Spanakopita -“Spinach Pie”

This beautiful recipe is from my sister in law Daphne who is a fantastic cook and baker. She is always whipping something up in the kitchen, so it was only natural that I asked her for a couple of her… Continue Reading →

Week 7 – Momentum

The importance of momentum should never be underestimated. I talk to 4321 members a lot about this as success is often built on momentum and the accumulation of hard work. Working at anything sporadically will never get the same results… Continue Reading →


ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 3-2-18 So the first thing we need to discuss this week is the absolute triumph that was my chorizo, chilli and chickpea casserole! I have referred to it as mine but to be honest I simply… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 20-1-18

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 20-1-18   This food plan malarky is starting to feel like routine again, which is great! January is a very busy month for me so getting organised is a massive help! You might notice I am… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 13-1-18

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 13-1-18 As I said last week, it was great to get back to food planning and the immediate impact it had on my week was incredible. The most important factor was that it helped me get… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 11-11-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 11-11-17   This week at Casa De Marco we will be enjoying some Italian classics including tagliatelle bolognese and risotto! The bolognese is curtesy of my father in law as he will be showing me how… Continue Reading →

What I learn from every workout

Diary Entry: What I learn from every workout On the surface the benefits of a workout seem pretty straight forward. It helps us burn calories, increases our energy levels and improves our all round fitness. However, what I have learnt over… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 30-9-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 30-9-17 Last week was a great week! It was super busy, but I was organised and on top of all my meal prep, plus I even got to enjoy some pasta for lunch during the week…. Continue Reading →

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