My life as a fit bird

Tag HIIT training

Getting that workout in!

ARTICLE: GETTING THAT WORKOUT IN! Time is the most precious commodity in the 21st Century. Naturally, having children leaves you feeling as though you have much less time than ever before, but to be honest those without children struggle with… Continue Reading →

The Training Programme

ARTICLE: THE TRAINING PROGRAMME I have to admit I have really enjoyed being back training full time. That is not to say that it has not been tough, it has been, but it has definitely been worth it. Before starting… Continue Reading →

Making Yourself A Priority

ARTICLE: MAKING YOURSELF A PRIORITY Making yourself a priority is one of the biggest challenges I think many of us face when trying to reach our health and fitness goals. We are constantly getting pulled in a thousand different directions… Continue Reading →

The importance of sleep for weight loss

ARTICLE: THE IMPORTANCE OF SLEEP FOR WEIGHT LOSS Over the last 6 months the biggest piece of advice I have been given is to get as much sleep as possible before the baby arrives. I have not quite managed to… Continue Reading →

A Brief Hiatus!

ARTICLE: A BRIEF HIATUS! Firstly, I should start this post by apologising for the lack of information, motivation and inspiration on the blog over the last couple of months. I started 2018 with the intention of making this the best year… Continue Reading →

Adapting workouts & staying motivated when injured, pregnant or unwell!

ARTICLE: ADAPTING WORKOUTS & STAYING MOTIVATED WHEN INJURED, PREGNANT OR UNWELL Being injury free and feeling one hundred percent fit and well are of course the optimum conditions we all want to train under! That way we can give it our… Continue Reading →

Intervals: Reverse Crossovers

VIDEO: REVERSE CROSSOVERS   Try this finisher after your strength sessions! Each week I do 2-3 strength sessions and at the end of each I do some quick intervals to finish the workout off and get the heart rate pumping!… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 11-11-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 11-11-17   This week at Casa De Marco we will be enjoying some Italian classics including tagliatelle bolognese and risotto! The bolognese is curtesy of my father in law as he will be showing me how… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 4-11-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 4-11-17   An exciting week and weekend ahead at Diary of a Fit Bird HQ as I am adding a new feature! As of next week, I will be posting recipes straight from the heart of… Continue Reading →

What I learn from every workout

Diary Entry: What I learn from every workout On the surface the benefits of a workout seem pretty straight forward. It helps us burn calories, increases our energy levels and improves our all round fitness. However, what I have learnt over… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 21-10-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 21-10-17 I enjoyed a little time off last week so food plan was later than expected and not as strict as it would normally be. Holiday mode is off though so it is back to my… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 23-9-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 23-9-17 This food plan is going to be somewhat controversial as it features pasta and not just once, but 3 times!!! How can I call myself a health guru if I eat pasta? This is an… Continue Reading →

Food Plan 16-9-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 16-9-17 Another good week last week, both with training and food plan. Everything went as planned and feeling back up to full fitness, which is great. Some days I am training more than normal because I… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 9-9-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 9-9-17   Delighted to say that last week went perfectly to plan, finally! After everything being upside down for a few weeks, I was relieved to have a normal week. Well it was normal in the… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 2-9-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 2-9-17   I have got to say I am so delighted to be doing a proper food plan this week and to get back into a routine! After falling ill last week when I got back… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 19-8-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 19-8-17 It is coming to the end of my holidays and unfortunately that means getting back to reality and, for me, that includes food planning! Now full disclosure, I did not write this food plan whilst… Continue Reading →

4321 Exercise of the Week: Froggers

Froggers As many of you will know, we post the previous exercise of the week from The 4321 Method® every Monday. Last week, we featured froggers and I think it is one you are going to like. It is not… Continue Reading →

The Holiday Workout!

I am unbelievably excited to tell you that this week I am off on my holidays! Sun, sea, sand and sangria here I come! I always look forward to holidays so much, no matter where I am going or what… Continue Reading →

Exercise of the Week: Single Leg Burpees

Last week at  The 4321 Method® we challenged our members to take on the single leg burpee! Burpees are a staple in any workout programme and contrary to popular belief it is not just to torture people! They are an incredible… Continue Reading →

4321 Exercise of the Week: Single Leg Deadlift

Each week at The 4321 Method® we challenge our members to push their limits and try an exercise that they may never have done before. It is just a fun way to try new things and, hopefully, let everyone see what… Continue Reading →

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