My life as a fit bird

Tag mum blog

Week 33 & 34 – Dealing with tiredness

I suppose it had been coming, but the last two weeks I was hit with an incredible wave of tiredness. I would be fine in the morning but as the day went on I would feel more and more exhausted… Continue Reading →

Week 22 – Planning for the Future

It can be really easy to let day to day tasks take over long term planning as those tasks are obviously more pressing, but it is important to keep an eye on the future and the direction that you are… Continue Reading →

Week 6 – Let’s Roll

It has taken quite a few weeks but I finally feel some what in control of my life and the direction that it is taking. This is week 6 of the blog, but I was already a few weeks into… Continue Reading →

Week 1 – Scheduling time on and time off

One of the biggest challenges I have always faced is in balancing time at work with time off. The massive benefits of working for yourself and working from home are that you can schedule your work to times that suit… Continue Reading →

The Journey So Far…

ARTICLE: THE JOURNEY SO FAR This blog post has been 4 weeks in the making! Every single time I have sat down to write it something else has taken priority, normally Paolo, and somehow it is 4 weeks later. One… Continue Reading →

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