My life as a fit bird

Tag personal trainer

Week 18 – Finding the Positives

As I discussed last week it had been a tough period of self doubt and of things not going to plan. It can be so easy at times like this to let these feelings and disappointments affect the work you… Continue Reading →

Week 16 – The Holiday Hangover

I had hoped that I would feel revitalised after my holiday and in some ways I am. It definitely felt good to have some concentrated time off and, of course, to see some sun but why is it that the… Continue Reading →

Week 11 – No more all work & no play

After being unwell last week it felt great to be back to full swing this week. It was actually a good week for number of reasons. I was completely on top of all my work, I had a great night… Continue Reading →

Week 8 -The New Normal

I wasn’t sure what to discuss in the blog this week as I would say that it has been a pretty uneventful week, which isn’t a bad thing! It was just about the process, following routine and putting in the… Continue Reading →

What I learn from every workout

Diary Entry: What I learn from every workout On the surface the benefits of a workout seem pretty straight forward. It helps us burn calories, increases our energy levels and improves our all round fitness. However, what I have learnt over… Continue Reading →

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