My life as a fit bird

Tag progress

Week 28 – Going Corporate

Regular readers of the blog will know that I have touched on developing a corporate programme for a while. In fact it was largely because of this development that Giulio came into the business and it has been the main… Continue Reading →

Week 26 – Prioritising

The one thing I love about this blog is that it gives me some important time to reflect on my week and sometimes that is just as simple as asking myself what on earth has happened in the past week!… Continue Reading →

Week 10 – Stopped in my tracks

Just when you think everything is going smoothly and you are on top of it all there is always a curve ball! Last week with a busy week scheduled, riding right on the crest of wave in terms of both… Continue Reading →

Week 5 – Progress & a Podcast

Progress is a funny thing, you normally see it right after you think everything has gone wrong. As strange as it appears I think it is largely due to the fact that after things have gone pear shaped you tend… Continue Reading →

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