My life as a fit bird

Tag sleep

Week 33 & 34 – Dealing with tiredness

I suppose it had been coming, but the last two weeks I was hit with an incredible wave of tiredness. I would be fine in the morning but as the day went on I would feel more and more exhausted… Continue Reading →

Week 2 – Sleepless Nights

Sleep is alluding me at the moment for a couple of reasons, the primary one being the baby, who is currently waking up at 5am every day and the second one is staying up too late either to get work… Continue Reading →

The importance of sleep for weight loss

ARTICLE: THE IMPORTANCE OF SLEEP FOR WEIGHT LOSS Over the last 6 months the biggest piece of advice I have been given is to get as much sleep as possible before the baby arrives. I have not quite managed to… Continue Reading →

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