My life as a fit bird

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Week 9 – Never Lose Focus

Staying focused is normally something I would talk about when things are not going well as that is usually when focus goes. When someone is not getting the results they want or they are finding it too difficult to build… Continue Reading →

Dealing with Pressure

Pressure can be both positive and negative. Some people love pressure, they thrive under it whilst others cope very badly and it can lead to lots of stress and anxiety. I find I respond best when there is some pressure… Continue Reading →

Don’t go from 0-100

Life at the moment involves reaching the end of every single week and promising myself that the next week is going to be more productive. Therefore, every Sunday I set out the plan and get organised. The problem is that… Continue Reading →

The Journey So Far…

ARTICLE: THE JOURNEY SO FAR This blog post has been 4 weeks in the making! Every single time I have sat down to write it something else has taken priority, normally Paolo, and somehow it is 4 weeks later. One… Continue Reading →

You have to be all in!

ARTICLE: YOU HAVE TO BE ALL IN If there is one thing that my experience in the health and fitness has taught me is that those that give it their all get the best results. So often we obsess about… Continue Reading →

Recipe: Chorizo, Chilli & Chickpea Casserole

Recipe: Chorizo, Chilli & Chickpea Casserole I feel like a traitor to my Italian roots posting this delicious Spanish dish. I have no idea how traditional it is to Spanish cuisine to be fair, all I know is that it… Continue Reading →

Stop punishing yourself

ARTICLE: STOP PUNISHING YOURSELF The world can be a very judgemental place and not just the health and fitness world! We are possibly all guilty of it at certain times, but what I notice the most is how hard people… Continue Reading →

Making Yourself A Priority

ARTICLE: MAKING YOURSELF A PRIORITY Making yourself a priority is one of the biggest challenges I think many of us face when trying to reach our health and fitness goals. We are constantly getting pulled in a thousand different directions… Continue Reading →

How to become more patient with your results

ARTICLE: HOW TO BECOME MORE PATIENT WITH YOUR RESULTS Having patience when it comes to seeing results is one of the most difficult aspects of training or eating well. We all want results and we want them now, which is perfectly… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 27-1-18

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 27-1-18 I am excited to say that this week’s food plan features a new dish, chorizo, chilli and chickpea casserole! It is not one of mine I found it in a recipe book and I have… Continue Reading →

Building A Routine

ARTICLE: BUILDING A ROUTINE I cannot emphasise the benefits enough of trying to build up some sort of routine with eating, training or both. This can obviously be difficult, particularly for those that would say they do not have a very… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 20-1-18

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 20-1-18   This food plan malarky is starting to feel like routine again, which is great! January is a very busy month for me so getting organised is a massive help! You might notice I am… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 13-1-18

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 13-1-18 As I said last week, it was great to get back to food planning and the immediate impact it had on my week was incredible. The most important factor was that it helped me get… Continue Reading →

How I Stay Injury Free

ARTICLE: HOW I STAY INJURY FREE Before I delve into this post I should point out that I am well aware that by writing it I am seriously tempting fate!! However, up to this point, I have been injury free… Continue Reading →

Top tips for 2018!

ARTICLE: TOP TIPS FOR 2018! Here are some top tips for helping you reach your health and fitness goals in 2018. I have split them into dieting and exercise because each involves a different approach and also because each of… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 6-1-18

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 6-1-18 It is fair to say that I have never looked forward to doing a food plan more in my entire personal training career! I am going to level with you and say that I found… Continue Reading →

Intervals: Reverse Crossovers

VIDEO: REVERSE CROSSOVERS   Try this finisher after your strength sessions! Each week I do 2-3 strength sessions and at the end of each I do some quick intervals to finish the workout off and get the heart rate pumping!… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 11-11-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 11-11-17   This week at Casa De Marco we will be enjoying some Italian classics including tagliatelle bolognese and risotto! The bolognese is curtesy of my father in law as he will be showing me how… Continue Reading →

The New Food Blog

ARTICLE: THE NEW FOOD BLOG For anyone that follows the blog regularly you will know the type of food that I enjoy has a big mediterranean influence, largely because this is the type of food I enjoyed growing up in… Continue Reading →

My Food Plan 4-11-17

ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 4-11-17   An exciting week and weekend ahead at Diary of a Fit Bird HQ as I am adding a new feature! As of next week, I will be posting recipes straight from the heart of… Continue Reading →

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