My life as a fit bird

Tag weight loss

Week 31 – My January Routine

Largely my weekly blog focuses more on my work life as oppose to my training or nutrition. The reason being I have blogged so much about my fitness life in the past that I felt it was more interesting to… Continue Reading →

Dealing with Pressure

Pressure can be both positive and negative. Some people love pressure, they thrive under it whilst others cope very badly and it can lead to lots of stress and anxiety. I find I respond best when there is some pressure… Continue Reading →

Don’t go from 0-100

Life at the moment involves reaching the end of every single week and promising myself that the next week is going to be more productive. Therefore, every Sunday I set out the plan and get organised. The problem is that… Continue Reading →

Don’t stay comfortable

I am pleased to say that I am closing in on my pre pregnancy body. I am not there yet but I am getting closer each week and I am confident that by Christmas I will be back to my… Continue Reading →

The Juggle

As some of you may know I have started back at work part time, just two mornings a week, which when I was planning it out seemed perfectly manageable. Giulio is in charge those two mornings so we have no… Continue Reading →

Getting that workout in!

ARTICLE: GETTING THAT WORKOUT IN! Time is the most precious commodity in the 21st Century. Naturally, having children leaves you feeling as though you have much less time than ever before, but to be honest those without children struggle with… Continue Reading →

The Training Programme

ARTICLE: THE TRAINING PROGRAMME I have to admit I have really enjoyed being back training full time. That is not to say that it has not been tough, it has been, but it has definitely been worth it. Before starting… Continue Reading →

The Journey So Far…

ARTICLE: THE JOURNEY SO FAR This blog post has been 4 weeks in the making! Every single time I have sat down to write it something else has taken priority, normally Paolo, and somehow it is 4 weeks later. One… Continue Reading →

Best kit to buy for training at home

ARTICLE: BEST KIT TO BUY FOR TRAINING AT HOME As most of you know I train all my clients in their home and I myself train exclusively at home. Training at home is the perfect fit for both me and… Continue Reading →

You have to be all in!

ARTICLE: YOU HAVE TO BE ALL IN If there is one thing that my experience in the health and fitness has taught me is that those that give it their all get the best results. So often we obsess about… Continue Reading →

Recipe: Chorizo, Chilli & Chickpea Casserole

Recipe: Chorizo, Chilli & Chickpea Casserole I feel like a traitor to my Italian roots posting this delicious Spanish dish. I have no idea how traditional it is to Spanish cuisine to be fair, all I know is that it… Continue Reading →

Stop punishing yourself

ARTICLE: STOP PUNISHING YOURSELF The world can be a very judgemental place and not just the health and fitness world! We are possibly all guilty of it at certain times, but what I notice the most is how hard people… Continue Reading →

Learning To Say ‘No’

ARTICLE: LEARNING TO SAY ‘NO’ Yesterday, we discussed the importance of making yourself a priority and the reasons as to why it is so difficult and one the reasons is because we all struggle to say ‘no’ when demands are… Continue Reading →

Making Yourself A Priority

ARTICLE: MAKING YOURSELF A PRIORITY Making yourself a priority is one of the biggest challenges I think many of us face when trying to reach our health and fitness goals. We are constantly getting pulled in a thousand different directions… Continue Reading →

The importance of sleep for weight loss

ARTICLE: THE IMPORTANCE OF SLEEP FOR WEIGHT LOSS Over the last 6 months the biggest piece of advice I have been given is to get as much sleep as possible before the baby arrives. I have not quite managed to… Continue Reading →

How to become more patient with your results

ARTICLE: HOW TO BECOME MORE PATIENT WITH YOUR RESULTS Having patience when it comes to seeing results is one of the most difficult aspects of training or eating well. We all want results and we want them now, which is perfectly… Continue Reading →

Goal setting in a different way

So pre pregnancy my goals were to improve my pull ups and to perfect the single arm press up and I just about got there with both goals (the single arm press up still needs a little work). These types… Continue Reading →

A Brief Hiatus!

ARTICLE: A BRIEF HIATUS! Firstly, I should start this post by apologising for the lack of information, motivation and inspiration on the blog over the last couple of months. I started 2018 with the intention of making this the best year… Continue Reading →


ARTICLE: MY FOOD PLAN 3-2-18 So the first thing we need to discuss this week is the absolute triumph that was my chorizo, chilli and chickpea casserole! I have referred to it as mine but to be honest I simply… Continue Reading →

Adapting workouts & staying motivated when injured, pregnant or unwell!

ARTICLE: ADAPTING WORKOUTS & STAYING MOTIVATED WHEN INJURED, PREGNANT OR UNWELL Being injury free and feeling one hundred percent fit and well are of course the optimum conditions we all want to train under! That way we can give it our… Continue Reading →

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