It can be really easy to let day to day tasks take over long term planning as those tasks are obviously more pressing, but it is important to keep an eye on the future and the direction that you are going in. This is important in any area of life as without any forward planning you can find yourself on a hamster wheel just doing the same thing over and over again without any progression. It is particularly important in health and fitness and in business as both situations are forever evolving and if you do not keep an eye on the future you will be left behind.

When it comes to health and fitness it is incredibly easy to coast along, which is not ideal if you have goals that you want to reach and, even if you are just trying to maintain, it is still important to keep setting yourself small goals to work towards otherwise you can lose your motivation and instead of maintaining you start to slip back the way. Naturally, dealing with the ups and downs of daily life is the immediate focus and often planning for the future is not something that feels like a priority. It is important to remember that future planning is not something that you need to worry about daily, it is something to factor in once a week, once a fortnight or even once a month, just take some time to reflect on what direction you are going in and what you are working towards.

In business looking to the future is even more vital as if you do not look to the future and keep moving you will definitely be left behind. This last week for me has been all about looking towards the future and, in particular, looking forward to the start of 2020. The turn of the year is always the ideal time to reflect on what has been happening and also the perfect time to refresh and make appropriate changes. I am definitely using this opportunity to drive the business forward and make plenty of positive changes to The 4321 Method.

Having another child is also the perfect opportunity to look to the future and make some changes as change is inevitable at this time. Therefore, in my planning I am first looking to the New Year, then to spring time with some light focus on the end of the year. In business it can be hard to plan too far ahead as life, technology and many other external factors can alter the process so much but I do think it is good planning to have some broad ideas for where you would like the business to go longer term.

Planning for the future can take multiple forms. Some plans, normally shorter term plans, are more specific, more timely and overall more detailed whilst others are broad ideas that you can note down and allow to take shape over time. As we approach the end of 2019 I would suggest you start to plan for 2020, think about what you would like to achieve in health and fitness or in any other area of your life as it is the ideal time to do it. This week has been a big planning week for me with most of the plans now underway to ensure they are ready to roll out at the appropriate time.

Planning is often seen as a chore or a boring task but it should actually be a time for generating ideas and deciding what you would like to achieve. It should be exciting, motivating and, most of all, it should focus you to go after what you really want.

Fit Bird

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Diary of a Fit Bird is written by the founder of The 4321 Method®. To find out more about our products go to:

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I designed the Signature Collection from my love of body weight training and from enjoying pushing myself further with my training. Sign up TODAY and challenge yourself to be your number 1!