Regular readers of the blog will know that I have touched on developing a corporate programme for a while. In fact it was largely because of this development that Giulio came into the business and it has been the main area we have been working on together since he started. Over the last 6 months or so we have developed it, tested it and amended it to make sure that our 4321 Method is the ideal fit for businesses and we are so excited to say that it is ready to go live in 2020.

We have felt for a long time that our Method could be a good fit for business largely because our core client base tend to fit a specific demographic which is business men and women that travel regularly for work, have to juggle a busy schedule with family life and that regularly work out of office, whether that be at home or travelling. Our Method works for them because they do not have to be in a specific time or place to do the programme, they simply take it with them wherever they go and can train whenever or wherever suits. We felt that if this programme suited members on an individual level, then it could work for each employee in a company.

Despite having this idea for a long time neither Giulio nor I had the time to give it the attention it needed, but this last 6 months we have dedicated most of our work to bringing this together. We even did a test run with Allstaff recruitment to get some feedback on the product, trial the process and gain some insight into what else we could potentially add. This trial period proved to be incredibly insightful as we realised that whilst the core product was a good fit there was definitely some areas that we could work on to make the whole experience better suited to a company and group environment compared to an individual. We set about making these changes and we are delighted to say that we feel the offering is better than ever.

We believe we have a unique offering for businesses that matches the changing corporate environment. It used to be that most people worked in the same office 9am-5pm Monday to Friday and therefore were looking for a gym on site or locally that they could go to before or after work, but that type of working is changing rapidly. Many people work remotely, travel regularly and work increasingly varied hours and therefore require an exercise programme that works around their unpredictable schedule, and ours does just that. As I said, we have seen the difference our programme has made to individual members that work in this way and we know it can make a difference on a larger scale. Since starting the online programme each member has felt that they are able to be more consistent with their training and as a result are more focused and energised at work, plus overall they keep in better health which means less days off of work.

This really has been a project that Giulio and I have worked on tirelessly as it is incredibly important to us both and seeing it come to fruition has made all the hard work over the last few months really worthwhile. Alongside the addition of the corporate programme in January 2020 we also have the launch of our yoga and mindfulness programme and our new loyalty and rewards scheme. It really is set to be a big year and we simply cannot wait!

Fit Bird

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Diary of a Fit Bird is written by the founder of The 4321 Method®. To find out more about our products go to:

The 4321 Method’s® Signature Collection

I designed the Signature Collection from my love of body weight training and from enjoying pushing myself further with my training. Sign up TODAY and challenge yourself to be your number 1!